Sunday, February 1, 2009

I dream of Genie!!!!!!

Generally reading news papers is very depressing. Whenever I open the news paper I find that there are lots of news about the things that are going wrong. Somebody killed somebody; somebody was involved in the corruption; somebody tried or committed suicide..somebody bombed some country or place..and so many people were killed and so on.... Its pretty depressing. Not a great thing to start your day with...surely not...This makes not only you..but people around you also pretty depressed...

I was just wondering..why cant there be any positive news on the frong page? Are our lives full of such a sadistic views and news around? Are we supposed to start our days on such a negative note? Just the thought of reading all those negative news made me quit reading those papers early in the morning. Yes..I read the newspapers in the evening now a days... Anyways..I was thinking, what could make these newspaper fellows give good news on the front page? What would drive them deliver good news to all the people reading them???? I just thought..if I would have got the magic lamp with a genie in it..I would have changed all those things. I would have made sure the people read all the good news..and the news which will make them smile on the front page. I accept negative news once in a while but daily..surely is indigestible thing. That has to change. I would try and keep the people around me happy... Genie would do those things for me..wouldnt that be amazing???

On the second I really genie to do this work? Come on..making people happy is not such a difficult thing. Its not some rocket science. Surely it isn't. It is something common people like me can at least try... I cant give it up like that. Just consider what are the things that make me unhappy and try and see if I can turn them into some simple things that can be neglected. These things spoil not only my mood..but the mood and spirit of people around me.

Lets take some simple cases. While driving on the road; I see many people cutting the lanes and driving like crazy fellows. All I end up doing is getting angry on them and spoiling my mood. What I can surely do is, not getting angry on them. When such a thing happens.; I am just going to smile and say nothing to him..yes..thats right..I am going to try and smile...just try and create a happy environment around you. When you do that. I am sure at least one more person around you is going to smile. You are going to make an environment pleasant for him. Lets not spoil the mood. Do I need genie to something as simple as this?Do I??

Some other cases frustrations and cribbing of the all the things around myself. I think I have too many thoughts in life rather than just having those frustrations. I have work and I am going to face office tensions for my work. Its just unavoidable. But there is no need for me to take those tensions home...and create problem for everybody around me. Once I leave my office premises...the first and foremost thing to be done is. SMILE. I think this simple gesture has great power to relieve you of many troubles and problems of life. Do I need a genie for this? Guess this is also something I can do much without genies help.

The other important thing and most common around is the corruption that we feel has crippled our society and system. Just decide that you dont want to be a part of it. If you are caught by police for some wrong doing; dont bribe him. Pay the full amount and ask for receipt. If you go to govt office. You do see lot of corruption there. Dont get involved in that. Your work may take somewhat longer than what it generally takes..but wait..have patience. Dont bribe anyone. Try to go the legal way. I have done that once and found can get work done without bribing anybody. The people are not what they are...but what system makes them. So dont nurture the enviroment of bribes and wrong-doings. Do I need genie for this also? I guess not. Righteousness is a great virtue..just a thought of being righteous gives us great pleasure..and makes us proud of what we are..then imagine sticking to those priniciples and trying to act on them is going to make life much more beautiful and prosperous one. I agree being righteous is not that easy..but at least we can try. We may succeed few times and fail few times..but trying is surely not going to hurt.

Everyday morning when I wake up.. I will try to remember good things done in the last few days. That surely is going to make my day better. It will start the day on a positive note. One more simple thing that can be tried is do something diffrent everyday than your normal life. That will keep the charm of life going and will help me remain in good spirit. First and foremost important thing for that is...SMILE.

After thinking for so long I was wondering...Do I really need genie to do any of the things mentioned above? Cant I do all those things on my own? I dont need genie.. I can be happy myself and try to spread the happiness around myself. I agree there is little I can do to change the news papers give good and happy news about the surroundings. But then if you start day with few good things..surely you are not going to get depressed reading all those things. Also may be someday some editor will think of these things..and try and give happy and good news on the front page..That will be a wider impact..but yes..we can start with a small thing. Try to be happy and spread happiness. :)

And yes...about genie??? Hmm...may be...lets not trouble genie now..we will try and ask for help from genie...when we have more complex the world may be.... :)

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